Thursday, May 3, 2012

Catching up and The Children's Discovery Cneter

It has been awhile since I last posted (I feel like I say that in every post) and I need to catch up.......
I have been spending most of my free computer time on my 365 project.  Here is a link to it if you want to have a look at what I have been up to:

I have been going through my picture files on my computer trying to clean them up and organize them.  This is a daunting task; I have a lot of pictures and they are not well organized and I have a tendency to not want to delete pictures even when I have so many of the same thing or ones that are not very good.  Anyway, going through my pictures made me realize I have a lot of posts to catch up on.  So here is the first of more to come:

The Children's Discovery Center, Honolulu, HI
Nev and I made a trip to the children's discovery center back in February.  We had been to the one in Portland which was pretty impressive and the one in Honolulu is just as good if not better!
It has 3 stories of interactive exhibits for the kids and is good for children of a wide age group.  This included a lot of role playing exhibits and toys.  Nev enjoyed playign fireman and driving the fire truck.

There is a train area with a toy train which was hard to get him away from.
 There is a big reading room with an Giant chair.  Nev was getting cozy with all the stuffed animals
 There is also alot of exhibits that are realated to Hawaii.  One floor is dedicated to it.  This includes things like the pineapple plantation, flying,  and shipping boats.  Nev and his friend enjoyed working in the pineapple plantation, picking the pineapples.
 The one section I really like was exhibits of some of the many cultures of the people who live in Hawaii.  Nev and his friend enjoyed driving the world travel bus. 

     All in all it was really fun for him.  I hope to get back there again soon!

1 comment:

  1. It is so geat seeing Nev having so much fun and enjoying all his wonderfull adventures Love you and miss you
