Monday, June 11, 2012

Welcome Benjamin!

Our adventure in Hawaii will soon be coming to an end (more on that later) so I am going to try to make a mad dash to catch up on this blog so that I can start blogging about our new adventure.  If you don't already know what it is I will leave you in suspense for now.

Anyway, this post is not even about Hawaii.  This story takes place in California where Nev and I traveled to to meet the newest member of our family Benji!  We spent a couple of weeks there witht the family and we had a wonderful time.

Nev on the plane
This was also the first flight we have done with Nev getting his very own seat on the plane.  What a difference that makes!

Nev and his Uncle
We spent a lot of time with Nev's cousins and boys will be boys so there was A LOT of wrestling going on.  Nev also really enjoyed spending time with the little baby.  He kept asking to "pet" the baby.

Such a sweat baby!

While we were in California we also got to make a trip to the snow.  Nev and I had a good time throwing snow balls and making the tiniest snow man ever.

Nev also got to visit Grandpa at his work and pet and feed the horses carrots.

We also went to the train museum and the zoo.  It was a wonderful trip!

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