Saturday, December 10, 2011

Ice Cream and Turkey!

It has been awhile since I posted anything.  I was really hoping to post more frequnetly than I have.  We have been somewhat busy but time just slips away so easily.....

One of the things Never and I have been up to lately is making ice cream. Yum!  I have been scouring yard sales and thrift stores since we moved to Hawaii trying to get regular household things that we need since we pretty much got rid of everything before we moved.  One advantage to this is finding some pretty good deals on things.  I got this Cuisinart ice cream maker for $5.  I had been wanting one ever since I had my mama friend Anne's homemade blueberry frozen yogurt.  It was such a yummy treat on a warm day and the kiddos loved it too.

The first recipe we tried was just plain old vanilla ice cream from the Cuisinart recipe book.  Nev was a good little healper!  He helped me mix the ingredients and pour the mixture into the ice cream maker.  Yes it was quite the messy and sticky experience but we had fun.  Then it was time to clean up and wait.  Nev loves doing dishes (I wonder how long that will last??) but the waiting was the hard part.  Plus you really have to put the "finished" product in the freezer for a few hours before it really becomes a good ice cream consistency.  The ice cream was pretty yummy and I was excited to try more recipies. 

The second recipe we tried was blueberry frozen yogurt but I was not all that happy with how it turned out.  It was too hard when frozen and chunky with blueberry skins.  I will have to get Anne's recipe.

For Thanksgiving we went to a friend's house for dinner and they provided all the food.  I wanted to bring somethign to share so I made a pumpkin ice cream also from the Cuisinart recipe book.  This was the best recipe so far!  We shared the ice cream at the party and everyone loved it!! It was a great dessert for a warm Hawaiian Thanksgiving! 

If you have an ice cream or other frozen treat recipe you really like I would love if you shared it.

Hope Everyone had a great Thanksgiving and is enjoying their Holiday Season!
Family picture Thanksgiving Night


  1. NEV really looks like he is enjoying himself . He is a good little helper.. Looking forward to enjoying some ice cream with you guys...Love you. Mom

  2. What is your favorite flavor? We will make some while you are here.
