Monday, November 14, 2011

My Gym

I started taking Nev to a place called My Gym.  It is a "gym" for kids.  A place they can get some exercise, work on their motor skills and have fun.  In Oregon there was a place called The Little Gym.  I had wanted to try it out but we moved before I could.  I found My Gym here on Oahu and a great special that discounted the price of the class and membership so I went for it.  Part of my motivation was so Nev could have some more interaction with other kids.  He had a lot of friends to play with in Oregon.  We miss them so much and Nev really enjoys being around other kids.    

The classes have been great.  He gets to run around and climb and jump.  All of the things he loves to do right now.  We call him our little stunt man because he is always throwing himself on the ground and rolling around.  He often does it to try to impress others too.  It's pretty funny.  They also have to do things in a group that involves songs and moving their bodies.  This is the hard part.  Do you know how long the attention span of a 2 year old is?  Not very long!  He is getting better at staying with the group and participating but it is a struggle.

His favorite thing at first was the ball pit but now his confidence is growing so he is climbing and jumping on things more.  I think I will keep him in the class for a bit but I am hoping to find a regular play group for him too.

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