Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Happy Holidays! Part 1: Christmas in Hawaii

I am having mixed feelings about this holiday season.  On one hand it does not feel like "Christmas" and I am actually a little home sick for the cold weather in Oregon.  I know that I can only say this because I am not there right now and I am glad I am somewhere where it is warm.  But there is something to be said and missed about winter weather during the holidays.

On the other hand I am really excited about Christmas this year because I think it will be the first one that Never will be able to really enjoy.  He kinda knows about Santa Claus and he knows all about presents thanks to his recent birthday.  He has seen wrapped presents in the closet and I keep telling him that he has to wait till Christmas morning and suprisingly he seems OK with that.  We won't put the presents out till Christmas Eve. I know if they were under the tree, as soon as I took my eye off Nev for a minute he would start unwrapping them.

Although it is warm and doesn't feel like Christmas weather wise, Hawaii does a pretty good job with the festivities.  We have done a few holiday themed activities this past month.  We watched the Honolulu City Lights Parade.  This was cool for Never because he got to see all kinds of his favortite trucks drive by plus they were all decked out and covered in lights.  The prettiest garbage truck I ever saw! We got to hear some holiday music and of course see Santa Claus.

We also got to see a boat parade!

The big mall in town has a holiday train, the Candy Cane train.  Nev got to ride the train with his friend Hugh. They were both pretty excited about riding the train and they did a good job riding it by themselves.

Well, I pretty much have everything done for Christmas.  I've gotten all my presents done or bought and packages sent off.  Christmas cards are in the mail.  And packages are wrapped.  I still have to buy stuff for a Christmas dinner but I'll wait till the last minute so my fridge doesn't get too packed.  I'm thinking I'll cook a ham this year.

Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday!


  1. Hi Jaime! I totally understand what you're saying about warm Christmases. There is something special about a cozy indoor Christmas by the fire, and it seems a little weird to me now to BBQ on Christmas, but I would much prefer to be in the warm weather!

    I can't believe how quickly Never has turned into a little boy. He is so cute! And so is your hair! Love it!

  2. We miss you guys!

    Love Kim and Eva

    (I got cut off in my last post)

  3. Hi Jaime, we all miss you guys. It won't be the same without you all here.
