Friday, February 3, 2012

Makapu'u Lighthouse

 We recently took a hike out to the south eastern most tip of the island to see the Makapu'u' light house.  We went in the morning to beat the heat and the crowds as there is no shade on this hike and it is also quite popular with tourists and locals alike. 

The hike is about 1.5 miles round trip.  The trail is uphill pretty much the whole way up but there are many places to stop and take a break and take in the incredible view.  In the winter time that view will likely include humpback whales of the shore.  The trail is also paved, although pretty bumpy, so Nev rode in the jogging stroller most of the way up and down.

Before you get to the top there is a good view of the lighthouse and when you get to the top of the point you can look down on the light house.  Unfortunately you can not go all the way to the light house.  I believe it is still in operation ao I would imagine it has to be kept closed off to keep people from vandalizing it.  So sad!

Anyway, it was a great short hike with wonderful views.  When we were coming back down I noticed on spot far below the main trail, two large tidepools in the rocky coast line and there were people swimming in them.  It reminded me of a place we swam in when we visited Maui.  I really want to go check these pools out. Next time I visit them maybe I'll have to take a detour. 

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