Saturday, January 21, 2012

A Visit From the Grandparents

My parents came to visit for 10 days and we had such a good time with them.  Never was so excited to see his Grandma and Grandpa that he talked about it every day for the week before and on the day of their arrival he insisted he wear his Grandpa shirt even though it is really too small.

While they were here we did a lot of fun things together.  We of course spent a few days at the beach,

We went to Chinatown a couple of times to see the Chinese New Year celebrations  

 but I think the biggest highlight to their visit was out whale watching trip we took on a catamaran.  The humpback whales spend the winter around the Hawaiian islands and during this time it is easy to see signs of them from the coast but this does not compare to seeing them much closer from a boat.

As far as Nev was concerned he was happy just playing trains with his Grandpa.

We were sad to see them leave but we are looking forward to visiting in the Spring when Nev will get to meet his new cousin!

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