Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Week 1 in Mexico: Puerto Vallarta to Melaque

View Hawaii to Ecuador in a larger map

We left Hawaii a week ago today (I wrote this on the 20th, took awhile to get uploaded).  It was a busy week before we left,  getting rid of all our stuff in a 2 bedroom apartment and our car.  Now all of our things fit into a few backpacks and a surfboard bag.

It was a long flight from Hawaii to San Diego.  Nev did good even though he did not sleep which was a good thing since we had to spend the night in the airport.  We found a little spot to lay down and spend the night.  We made Nev a little bed and I think he actually got a pretty good night sleep.  We woke early as the airport got busy again.  We had to go back through security then we had some breakfast while we waited for our flight.  By the time we got on the plane Nev was pretty tired so he fell asleep right after the plane took off and slept the entire flight.  We had to wake him to get off the plane.
Nev at the airport (HNL) waiting for our plane
We arrived in Puerto Vallarta on the afternoon of July 13th.  We needed a taxi to our hotel and we got wrangled  in to going to a “time share” presentation the following day (they don’t call them timeshares anymore they have a new name for them).  Anyway we got a free ride to our hotel, then they picked us up the next day and took us to their “resort”.  They fed us, gave us a tour of the place and the best part was Micah and I got free massages.  It took all day it seemed.  The 90 mins we were supposed to spend with them took 3 hours!  Then they tried to get us to do another one the next day……. It was just too much! But, I think one could make a whole vacation out of visiting these places with all the things they want to give you just to check out there places.

We stayed in PV for 3 nights at the Hotel Posada Roger.  It was a pretty nice little place in Old Town PV.  It had a swimming pool which Nev loved!  And lots of Mexicans were staying there so we got to practice our Spanish and play with the kids.  Nev is definitely starting to really enjoy playing in the water. 
Hotel Pool.  We were the only white people there.

Looking down at the hotel courtyard
Puerto Vallarta Sunset

Dinner at a taco stand.  Mmmm!
Walking across the suspension bridge in PV

Mexican Chocolate Ice Cream

The Taco vender right outside our hotel.  Great for midnight snacks ;)

PV was nice but we were ready to get outtof the city.  We took a first class bus to Melaque which is a smaller town.  We stayed there for 3 nights at Posados Patos.   Micah took an adventure to go surfing.  I don’t think there was much surf but he got in the water at least.  Nev made a friend, Oswaldo, so we spent a lot of time playing with him.  I felt sad to have to say goodbye to him.  He is a really good little kid (6 anos). 

Not too bad of a place to have your morning cafe

Nev's first Mexican Playdate

Dinner on the beach in Melaque
Happy Boy!

We are definitely behind schedule.  We spent more time in PV then we had anticipated.  It has been hard to adjust to the time change, 5 hours earlier than Hawaii.  I think we are pretty close to being adjusted but it is still pretty hard for Nev to get to sleep.
First class buses are a pretty nice way to travel
Now we are back on the bus heading south to Manzanillo where we will try to figure out the second class buses in order to get to a small beach town that has surf.

1 comment:

  1. I am caught up on your blog finally! Keep posting. I am sad we didn't talk before you left. Let's plan a call for when you are back stateside. (if that ever happens!). Or maybe we can Skype once you are settled.
