Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!!

My memories of Halloween always involve my mom and her homemade costumes and decorations. One of my favorite memories is decorating the front yard with my mom with a fake grave that had a fake hand sticking out of it and a headless man sitting at the door on a straw bale with a jack-o-lantern in his arm. I wish I had a picture of it. My mom always seemed to really enjoy Halloween. I think I have gotten from her this joy in making homemade costumes and I hope to make many costumes for Nev. 
This year Micah and I were talking and I asked him "If Nev could tell us what he wanted to be for Halloween what would it be?" Micah said "Cookie Monster."  This was perfect! 
 Nev has been impersonating Cookie Monster for a long time now.  He likes to pretend he is gobbling something up like Cookie Monster does.  So I set out to get him a costume. I thought I would buy him one cause I thought making one would just be too hard.  My Mom and Micah convinced me I could make one myself, so I did.
I found a costume pattern that I could use to make the body and hood but with blue fur instead.  I had to get pretty creative to figure out the eyes.  They worked out pretty good.  Nev likes wearing it and pretending to eat the cookies. 

We also went to a pumpkin patch this year to get a pumpkin. I was not expecting to be able to visit a pumpkin patch in Hawaii. I don't think the pumpkins were actually grown there but it was fun anyway. 

Nev got to sit on a tractor, which was the highlight of the trip for him, and pick out a pumpkin but he was getting pretty mad that he was not able to pick the pumpkin up by himself and of course he did not want any help! 

We carved the pumpkin a week ago cause that is what we would normally do but we realized that this is probably not the best idea in the tropics since things decompose so much faster in the warm humid environment.  Our pumpkin has gotten a little prematurely moldy.  Oh well.  It just needs to last this one last night.

We'll take him trick or treating for the first time tonight.  Not sure how I feel about all the candy.  He hasn't really had much for candy before.
Happy Halloween and have fun trick or treating!


  1. Jaime, Never looks great! He's getting so big. I hope you guys are settling in and finding your way and routine. We miss you both.
    Let us know when you make it back for a visit!
    ~Rachel R.

  2. You made that costume?!? It's awesome! Very creative!
