Tuesday, October 2, 2012


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From El Salvador we headed to Honduras.  Alex the guy that owns the place we stayed at in El Salvador drove us to San Salvador early in the morning so we did not have to stay in San Salvador the night before we left which was a good thing.  We were hopeful for another awesome international bus ride but we were all sadly disappointed.  This bus ride was probably the worst we have had yet.  It was supposed to be a “1st Class” bus which means the windows don’t open because there is supposed to be AC.  However, this buses AC was broken so it was a very long hot and stuffy ride.  On top of that the bus kept over heating so it pulled over about every 15 minutes while driving through the mountains to cool down.  This made the supposedly 7 hour bus trip a 9 hour bus trip.

When we got to San Pedro Sula in Honduras the bus station was very convenient.  There was food to eat and we were starving after 9 hours on the bus with little food and the next bus we needed was at the same station.  We hopped on the next bus that would take us to Lake Yoja and the D&D Brewery, a place Micah and I had been looking forward to.  We have always loved visiting micro-breweries and since leaving Oregon we have not had much good beer.

The bus dropped us off near the D&D Brewery along with a couple who were also going there.  The guy offered to help carry some of our stuff which was very nice of him!  They were pretty full at the brewery but they found rooms for us anyway.  The beer was not the best but it was a nice change from the Latin American beer we had been drinking.  There was also a restaurant there with some pretty good food.  The place is a little out of the way from “civilization” but it was a good staging point for some “naturalist” sites.  After a few days there I was starting to feel a bit isolated.  There were a couple of places to eat nearby but other than that there was not much of a town.  There was a larger town a short bus ride away also but after a few days at D&D I had yet to really see anything outside of the brewery.  Micah and Carissa often went out to get us food or go shopping while I stayed behind with Nev.  I was getting pretty antsy to see life outside the brewery.
A crazy Catepillar that looks like it was created by Dr. Seuss


We did get to go and see a few of the natural sites.  There was a coffee plantation right next door where we went our first day there.  It was really beautiful with rivers running through it.  We went there to go to a swimming hole but when we got to the spot it said “no swimming”.  We were pretty disappointed but we found a nice spot in the river to hang out.  I also got to go out birding with the resident bird expert on the lake.  It was pretty awesome!  I love being out on the water and we got to see a lot of birds and other wildlife.  Unfortunately my camera battery was dead so no pictures. 

Collecting Sticks

Cool Lizard

Mating butterflies

Micah, Nev and I also took a little (somewhat forced) family excursion to see the waterfall nearby.  Unfortunately it had rained quite a bit the day before so the water was pretty muddy.  It was not the most beautiful looking water fall but the amount of water going over the cascades was pretty impressive!

At the brewery another family showed up with a 3 year old and the mom was also a biologist so we had a lot in common.  He and Nev played together and for the most part had fun together.  Nev and I hung out with this family quite a bit our last few days there.  We joined them on a trip to the Archeological and Ecological Park nearby.   It is mostly an ecological park for viewing birds and insects but there are also some unexcavated ruins there.  Unexcavated ruins are pretty much suspicious looking hills in the forest.  The boys had fun running the trails and boardwalks together.   


After a week at the brewery I was pretty much ready to get out of there.  It is a pretty cool place with a lot to offer in the area but I was ready to move on.  We also said good-bye to Carissa from here.  She was off to Utila and we were off to make our way to Nicaragua.

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