Thursday, July 5, 2012

1 Week! The countdown begins............

In one week from today our family (Mama, Papa and Guapo who is currently 2.5 years old) are setting off on our 5 month adventure that will take us from Hawaii to Mexico to Ecuador and all that is in between.  When we arrive in Puerto Vallarta we will have just shy of 2 months to make our way to Mindo, Ecuador where we will spend 3 months managing the Las Tangaras Nature Reserve.  Other than these few dates and locations there is no set itenerary.  We plan to travel pretty cheaply and travel by bus the whole way, except for the likely flight from somewhere in Central America to South America.   I am sure the pace of our travel will depend a lot on the surfing conditions in Mexico (Papa) and the mood of our 2.5 year old.  Preferably we will get to someplace cool and spend a few days there before we move on, limiting the number of times we have to spend long days on the bus which I can only imagine will make for a cranky kiddo.
So this is the begining to a new adventure for us.  I  by to be able to access the internet often to update the blog about our adventures as we go.  Follow along suscribing to this blog and get updated as we go!

This map shows where we are starting from and where we will be flying to and where we need to be in September.  I will add our destinations as we go.

View Hawaii to Ecuador in a larger map

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