Sunday, March 18, 2012

Honolulu Zoo

We took a trip to the Honolulu Zoo a couple of weeks ago.  I tried to arrange an outing with the toddler meetup group I am part of but only one other mom and baby showed up.  This was OK with me.  I like a smaller group over a large one.  I feel like I get to know the mom and kid better.

 We had a lot of fun! I had wanted to go because I heard there was a new elephant exhibit there and Nev loves elephants.  I had heard some poor reviews for the zoo so I wasn't expecting much but it turned out a lot better than expected.  I am even planning to make more trips back there because there was still a lot there we didn't see and it was not to expensive to go.

Next time we go we will head for the keiki zoo which has a petting zoo that we did not make it to this time.  The zoo also has a nice play area with a playground.

This picture below was my photo for the day in my 365 project.  Here is a link to my page if you are interested.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

An Update

Nev is becoming such a big boy these days and has had many transitions in his life lately.  We have been teaching him about the potty for a long time now.  We have had a potty for him around since he was about a year and a half.  I had no hopes in him using it that young but I just thought it would be a good idea to have one around and talk about it early on so that it wouldn't become this new thing all of a sudden.  For that last few months he has been consistently peeing in the potty at home and we have been working on it when we are out of the house too.  Lately he has been pooping in the potty and today he did it all by himself! Twice!!
These are very exciting times!
 Nev has also moved into a "big boy bed".  Really it is just his crib with the side off and we put up a rail so he won't fall out but the main idea is that he can get in and out of it on his own.  It has been a bit of a challenge keeping him in his bed but he is getting the hang of it even though he is waking up a little too early.  He seems to be very proud of his big boy bed and likes being able to get in and out of it by himself.

These days Nev's favorite thing to do is play with his train.  He also likes stacking blocks and building things which is a big step up from just wanting to knock everything down.  He is talking up a storm these days and blows me away every day with his increasing vocabulary and the complexity of his "sentences".  He also loves to sing and is even starting to make up his own songs to the tune of songs he knows.  It's pretty cute!