Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The past year

Nev is almost 2 years old! The other day I realised that this past year has flown by me and I have not done a good job documenting the second year of Nev's life.  I had another blog ditton baby boy where I documented the first year of his life.  After his first year I thought that I would start a new blog with a different focus because he was not really a baby anymore.  I "started" that blog about 6 months ago but I had not posted to it, until today. 

In my defense I have to say that there was a lot going on in the past 6 months.  My full time job came to an end.  Nev and I went to visit Micah in Hawaii for three weeks and upon our return to Oregon it was all work getting our house ready to rent, find the perfect tenants and make the move to Oahu. All of this while I was essentially a single mom.  I have an even greater respect for all the single moms out there! 
There was some pleasure during all this time.  Nev and I spent some time in Sacramento visiting my family Nev had his first taste of In-N-Out, went to the CA State Fair and the Sacramento Zoo and spent a lot of time with his Grandpa!
My parents also came up to Oregon for a week to help me work on the house to get it ready to rent.  My parents are totally awesome!  We owe them the biggest thanks ever for helping me out.  I don't think it would have been possible for us to get moved over here with out their support.

So now we are living in beautiful Hawaii!  We have found a place of our own to call home for now and I am starting to settle in to life here. 

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